Email and SMS Marketing

You may not expect email marketing to be your secret weapon, but it is a mainstay of successful digital marketing agencies for a reason. While email is older than social media, it is still a very powerful way to market your products and services.

Emails reach people on a

personal level,

in their inbox, when they are ready to communicate. They also can speak to people through the mid to late stages of the sales funnel, nurturing early leads, reconnecting with old customers, and even fostering referrals and shares.

Texting, or SMS messaging, is very similar to email marketing. Your text reaches people on a personal level as it arrives on their phones. You can also use it to encourage customers in the mid to late sales funnel. Texting, like email marketing, can support your goals to create lifelong customers and have top-of-mind brand recognition.

Why Invest in Email Marketing or Texting?

There is always value is sending a message the way that a person wants to receive it. Seventy-two percent of adults prefer to communicate with companies through email. That’s a large margin. Further, 91% of people check their email on a daily basis. Younger people are more in tune with texting, so companies that are aiming at a younger audience may prefer to divert their email marketing dollars to SMS marketing. Or you may prefer to explore both.


The most essential skill in email marketing is segmentation. Just having a list of contacts and sending out the same message to each won’t yield results. Your list is a group of potential customers and many share commonalities, such as the kind of product or service they are interested in, their activity on your website, their history with your brand, and their demographics. You can divide these customers up into useful groups or segments, and tailor your message to best appeal to them. You’ll get better open rates and more conversions the more personalized your message can be.

Email List Management

How engaged is your audience? If you send out emails to people who do not open them, you end up in spam, where you’re not reaching anyone. There are ways to reengage potential customers who have stopped opening your emails, but it is also important to remove those who aren’t interested. That just ensures you’re spending energy on people who are receptive to your message.

Content Creation

What should you include in your email marketing or SMS messages? In email, the visual matters. Having clear graphics that present well on various devices is important. The actual content may look like a flyer, or more like an informational pamphlet. It depends on your specific company and goals--which is where we can step in with our expertise to guide you.

When you are offering information, make it unbiased information that provides real value to the reader. This is the best way to ensure your emails are welcome, opened, and encourage action. Don’t add too much to the email, focus on simple, pithy message that can resonate. Readers who want more in-depth information can be directed to your website.

When you are offering information, make it unbiased information that provides real value to the reader.

In SMS messaging, there are no graphics to worry about. The emphasis on a clear message that is easy to consume is even more important. You can send a relatively long text, but this is still a very low word count as compared to an email. Those words need to clearly express your message. Few agencies have as much experience with SMS message creation as Savant.

Campaign Execution

Designing your content is only the first step. All emails and SMS messages that you send should be part of a coordinated campaign effort. We use email marketing software to send out the right message to the correct segment. The day and time that you send your message will also impact your success. In the early stages of your campaign especially, you should take note of its successes, failures and adjust to ensure that you get the results you need.

Scheduling is another aspect of executing your campaign. You should send out messages when it makes sense to, or when you have a message to communicate. Bombarding customers with frequent emails that are low quality can undermine your overall efforts. Sending emails at the wrong time may impact your open rates. We can guide you to make better scheduling and timing decisions.

Performance/Impact Tracking and Analysis

As with all marketing methods, results are what matters in email marketing and SMS messaging. How do you track your impact? There are many metrics but the most critical are subscribe rates, open rates, click through rates, and conversions.

Analyzing your results isn’t just about looking at these big numbers. We can offer you more insightful information by analyzing these results, comparing them across segments, and between slightly different emails. This can reveal powerful insights that help your future email marketing and SMS messaging campaigns grow your business in ways that will surprise you.

Experience the Power of Email and SMS Messaging

Targeted email and SMS Messaging are two powerful strategies to maximize conversions and increasing average sales, but they must be done thoughtfully, by experts who understand how to best utilize them. Savant has the expertise you need to segment, create, execute, and analyze your campaigns.

Combine leading technology with insightful thinking and dynamic creative to
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target, engage, acquire.